Wednesday, May 7, 2014

The Smartest People are The Best Liars

...They Have the Highest Artificial Intelligence

We live in the illusion. The illusion tells us that the economy is real. The illusion says that the economic recovery is real. The illusion says that borrowing from Third World wage slaves will continue forever. The illusion says that climate change is fake. The illusion says that Peak Oil can't happen. The illusion says that this is all under control.

Today's Best and Brightest are Neither
But the real question is who creates and sustains this illusion? And the fact is that while the sociopathic "best and brightest" create the self-serving illusion, it's the people all around us who sustain it. As a side effect of being wholly incapable of facing the truth, the masses at large unwittingly assimilate and propagate the illusion.

The Borg IS the Illusion...

"Shares crash, hopes are dashed
People forget
Forget they're hiding.
Behind an eminence front - it's a put on..."
- The Who, Eminence Front

1 + 1 equals 3 aka. "The inevitable won't happen to me"
In the context of a comfort-seeking society wholly incapable of handling the truth, this should come as no surprise. We are surrounded by sociopathic pretenders who have no clue that they are even pretending. Every time we read any article, editorial or blog comment that magically arrives at the most pollyanna outcome, contrary to all of the available facts and data, we are seeing this dynamic in action. Whenever we listen to a politician or a political acolyte telling us that their party has all of the answers, we see this dynamic in action. Whenever we hear Billy Bob next door tell us that in his "expert opinion", he doesn't believe in global warming, we are witnessing Dumbfuckistan in action. Every minute of every day that the masses blithely assume that the inevitable can't happen to them, that is denialism in action. 

Plausible Deniability is the Opiate of the Stoned Masses
Sadly, but truly, the people all around us propagate the essential lies that underlie the status quo. They assimilate and sustain the illusion. Sure, they believe that they are innocent bystanders in a slow-motion trainwreck having no apparent ending, however, in believing that this can all be sustained indefinitely, they have therefore become propagators of massive lies that they now desperately need to believe. Without the fake masses to pretend that "this" is all normal, it wouldn't be normal. They have become the de facto illusion.

Bullshit Contamination
Think about this dynamic I am describing the next time you read something or hear something on TV. Basically everything you read or see is totally contaminated with delusion and wishful thinking. It's all contaminated with belief in the inherent sustainability of the status quo. The extrapolation of Dumbfuckistan into the indefinite future. Therefore it's 99% garbage. We are surrounded and outnumbered 10 million to 1. 

The Borg IS the Illusion and we are immersed in it.