Saturday, February 17, 2018

The Bonfire Of The Sanities

What's the difference between an old age home and an insane asylum? Exactly...

"Here's the plan"

America's primary export is bullshit. Unfortunately, 70 year-old degenerates can't solve the problem. They are the problem...

Don't get me wrong, I like Donny. He reminds me of my crack-addict born-again relatives reveling in their sanctimonious hypocrisy. If we could only ignore their past decades of wanton debauchery we can pretend that they are now our sacrosanct moral leaders. We are trapped in an old age Idiocracy. The Matrix, if you will. It's flickering like a dying incandescent, to be sure, as the walls of this fabrication prattle with approaching gun fire.

For some reason I dipped a toe into Jimmy Kunstler's latest diatribe, just to see if he's winning the battle with late onset dementia. Sadly no. He lays this debacle at the feet of the FBI - the very agency that got Trump elected. And, "winning" an election with the aid of a foreign power is of no concern whatsoever, next to the overthrow of The Manchurian Candidate via legal indictment of the foreign agents undermining what shreds remain of American democracy. Got it. 

We finally have proof that no crime was committed. My work as protector of American democracy is done. 

To say that the Baby Boomers are a morally, intellectually, and financially bankrupt generation is an asinine understatement. Per Jimmy's rhetoric, we now must blame the younger generations for all of the problems that started before they were even born. It's a thoroughly junk generation that blames its own children for their bad upbringing. What we're left with is curmudgeons so deep down their own fucking rabbit hole they think they're leading a subterranean expedition to China.  

In other words, nothing can get better until the old age home gets monkey hammered into pharmaceutical oblivion.  And to be sure, they have the right man for the job. Even as Jimmy talks shit about the "financial collapse", offering not one modicum of new facts to this debate. Happy to piggyback off of the work of others while laying the blame at the feet of the DNC. And yet, totally oblivious to the fact that it's his own Donny who is doing the heavy lifting. It's Donny's 5% of GDP "Keynesian" bonfire of the insanities that is precisely what has lit a match to this entire funeral pyre for the empire. With the full and appreciative support of the Roman Senate, to be sure.  

What is entirely clear is that their goal was to throw a grenade into Washington to watch it explode. The only question on the table still, is who are "they".  

Either way, it's a solid plan, Jimbo. I give you that much, son.